Linh Nguyen

Linh Nguyen

Activity overview

Latest activity by Linh Nguyen
Linh Nguyen created an article,
Airdrops (Care Packages)
Care Packages are special supply packages from the sky. When looted, these packages guarantee more high-end loot and sometimes premium loot exclusive to these care packages, giving the players chan...
Linh Nguyen created an article,
When a player's health (HP) or time (TIME) returns to ZERO, the player enters the KNOCKDOWN state. KNOCKDOWN only appears in team modes in survival games. (Duo/Squad of 4), When Knockdown, the char...
Linh Nguyen created an article,
REVIVE is an action that a player in a normal state can use to save a teammate who is suffering from KNOCKDOWN, help them get back into the game There are two ways to make players immediately enter...
Linh Nguyen created an article,
🛡ARMOR An item provides players a certain amount of SHIELD, which helps absorb damage sustained on the player's HP. By default, players will be equipped with level one armor containing a full amoun...
Linh Nguyen created an article,
⛑HELMET An item that helps reduce the damage to the head. By default, the player is equipped with a Level 1 Helmet when they start a battle. There are 4 levels of Helmet. Each has increased damage...
Linh Nguyen created an article,
Knockdown Shield
🛡Knockdown Shield A one-direction bulletproof shield with a limited amount of shield. If a player gets Knockdown and owns a Knockdown Shield, this item will immediately display and wait for activat...
Linh Nguyen created an article,
Team & Partner
Our Team Our Advisors Our Partner Date Partner  Link Article May 16, 2022 DOS Ventures MetaDOS Spotlight: Strategic Partnership With DOS Ventures Jul 14 Heroes & Empires MetaDOS x Heroe...
Linh Nguyen created an article,
Battle Royale Mode
Stay inside the Red Circle and be the last one standing. With the options of SOLO/DUO/SQUAD OF 4. SQUAD PLAY: DUO/SQUAD OF 4 Players can select the Squad Play: DUO/SQUAD OF 4 game option on the mai...
  • Total activity 17
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