REVIVE is an action that a player in a normal state can use to save a teammate who is suffering from KNOCKDOWN, help them get back into the game

There are two ways to make players immediately enter the state of being Knockdown. When their Time or HP comes to zero, at this period, teammates will be able to Revive.


Procedure for implementing the REVIVE feature

  • Two players must be close to each other within a distance equal to the distance of picking up weapons. Both players will not be able to move, use stamps and use combat-related actions, only the camera angle can be rotated.
  • The reviving teammate must hold an E film in Revive period.

  • During Revive period, if the E film is released before Revive action is complete, or if one of the players is shot down during the Revive: The REVIVE action will be interrupted.
  • Starting from the beginning of the Revive process, the DOWN TIME of the resurrected person will be paused. It will continue to count down if the Rive is interrupted.

Note: In case of being KNOCKDOWN due to Time out

The Savior will transfer the amount of Time to the Knockdown player. The Savior must calculate and ensure enough Time over 30 seconds to perform Revive teammates.

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